Moth Damage

[lead]It is interesting to note that the moth itself does not eat rugs, but their larvae consume the fibers and even the knots of the rug. They prefer to live in areas under furniture, where it is not always vacuumed or in areas with little traffic. [/lead]

Moths and their larvae thrive in the dark, undisturbed areas of a rug that get little trafficMoth lavae infesting a rug and are seldom vacuumed. Moths are attracted to the keratin in the wool fibre; a dirty rug covered in dog and cat hair or urine affected is a paradise for moth larvae. They can feed on blends of natural and synthetic fibers but not on materials made only of synthetic fibers.

Deep immersion washing and our thorough dusting methods are best for further elimination of larvae and eggs. Even using the most thorough methods, some eggs and larvae may remain.

The safest way to protect rugs from infestation is with moth-repelling agents containing magnesium silicofluoride, a moth repellent. It does not kill moths, larvae or the eggs. Instead, it makes the wool less appetising by changing the taste. It is applied as a spray solution that covers cover the front and back of the rug. It lasts for approx 12 months (or until the rug is washed again), has no residual odor and is not harmful to people.

Damage from moths
It is then your responsibility to clean the house thoroughly. This includes cupboards, floors, and furniture. Whenever possible, furniture should be cleaned and vacuumed under cushions, in the crevices and underneath where the furniture is closest to the rug. Ridding a home of moths is not easy. A few eggs left behind can start the process all over again.

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